sábado, 19 de julio de 2014

Unit 31:Grouping Learners

     A class should not be monotonous or simple usign a typical seating arrangement, we as teachers have some seating arrangements that are really useful to be done looking for our students usage and language development. When we plan our lesson, we decide how our learners are going to be grouped, we do that according to the interaction patterns to be used in class and according to the students' learning styles. An advantage of grouping learners is that it facilitates learning; however, if there is a poorly chosen grouping would create problems in the classroom because as there are different students learning styles if we group students with interpersonal and intrapersonal learning styles that would be a problem because they are not similar and may not be a good idea they both work together. On the other hand, students with similar learning styles are going to fit really well together and they would work cooperatively working each other. As a result, we have to take into account our students' interests, learning style and physical al and cognitive development to make they work together, the most appropriate is to make our students form groups with students of their same age as a useful tip 

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