miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

Unit 24: Selection and Use of Coursebook Materials

     Coursebook materials  is an important part in the academic formation of students, then we have to know how to select it; for that we have to keep in mind our students’ profiles such as: learners’ needs, age, level and interests to fit our students. However, the syllabus in public and private schools set the coursebook materials and it is not always right for our students’ level and we have to know how to adapt our resources such as coursebook, cd audios and workbooks to our students’ needs. There is where we need to analyze this situations and try to look for more coursebook materials to help ourselves to keep our students’ interest focused on the class to avoid possible problems caused for the coursebook materials, we also need to apply strategies such changing things in our methodology, adapting materials or extending materials or even skipping some unnecessary units presented in the coursebook to avoid students hate the class offering variety and attractive materials visually in the class.

There is a link above of a PDF document which contains really helpful information on how to choose English Language Teaching books that are right coursebook for students:

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