miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

Unit 26: Selection and Use of Teaching Aids

     We as English teachers have to wonder a question ourselves, “Is the material that the syllabus and course book offer enough to my students really learn into the class and for me to achieve my aims for the class enough?”, to avoid this trouble we could look for extra teaching aids for making our class more attractive, more fun, more interesting and more engaging. Maybe the most attractive aids we have as teachers are visual aids because they help us to catch our students’ attention keeping their minds into the classroom because aids help us to develop an attractive class making our students more participants awaking their minds up. We have to know that aids are sometimes not easy to get, there is where we need to know how to select them because some extra aids as puppets or some others are expensive, and then we need to know how to discriminate good and effective aids from inefficient and expensive aids.   Of course,  it is also important to know that we need to keep in mind our students’ profiles into account to choose the right teaching aids.

I leave a link that contains useful information on how to use teaching aids that would be really helpful if any teacher want to complement thier class using aids:

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