miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

Unit 22: Choosing Assessment Activities

     Teachers need to assess their students to be sure their students are getting good learning outcomes and to make any changes if that is not the situation. However, before assessing it is important that teachers know the right activities for the right learners because every single group of students is different having different interest and necessities according to the age, level and goals.  Then a teacher should keep into mind that assessing is not only a fact of assigning grades, it is a more complex process that requires knowledge in this field as keeping a record on each student and how they are going in the learning process to be assessed. Formal or informal assessment take part on this, so monitoring students is essential at this point to assess our students in the receptive and productive skills to be sure there is meaningful learning, which will make us able to determine where their weaknesses and strengths are to provide effective feedback. Therefore, continuous assessment is the best way of keeping a record of our students and accomplishes our goals as teachers and help our student achieve their goals as learners.

There is a link above that I consider is useful and has more information related to this topic:

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