sábado, 19 de julio de 2014

Unit 30: Teacher Roles

     Teachers have many things to do inside a classroom, that implies assuming many functions to make our learners keep progressing in their learning process to manage a language. We as teachers need to adapt to the situations that may be present in class because every single group of learners is different and we have to know their needs to know how to help them. As we assume many roles we have to know what each role is used for. Then, before beginning a class with a group we need to know our class profile such as level, age and interests to create a nice environment to learn and they work feeling confidence to keep a good average of learning. Also, it is important to know how to respect and be respected to avoid loosing our students' respect as being a disciple monitor with younger and be a guide or facilitator. Therefore, it is difficult to monitor and maintain discipline at the same time, but it is possible.  To conclude, we have to recognize our group of learners and then take a role in class even if we do not feel comfortable with any role. 

include a link at the bottom of the entry which contains a useful summary with information related to the roles of a teacher:

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