Unit 32: Correcting Learners
We have to be aware of correction and the usage of it because using correction depends on the activity that we set our learners to do, there are activities in which we should avoid correcting our students to they do not feel confidence because if a teacher abuses of correction students will feel disappointed of themselves and they will be afraid of talking to not make mistakes blocking their fluency at using the target language. Then, we have to keep in mind when to correct our learners and the way how we use correction. There are many ways for correcting, but they all cannot be used at any time, personally I try to use general correction to avoid a student feel ashamed; there is also a good technique of correction which is prompting. using gestures or fingering that consists on helping to the student giving some clues to they correct themselves. Also, teachers are not the only ones who have the possibility to correct students, there is also possible their classmates correct mistakes. On the other hand, reformulating is good to make any mistake noticeable and students correct at that time. To summarize, we use correction only if it is really necessary and to avoid fossilization in our students and we have to correct in any activities for not interrupting our students' language production.
I have included a link which has good information of language funtions used in the classroom:
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